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Some thoughts on the integrated business development of city rail traffic signal system


Chinese city rail transit is currently in a period of rapid development, as of the end of 2014, the city opened a total of 22 city rail transit operation line length 2600 km, of which 2361 km, 239 km subway light rail. 2014 new year operating line length of 311 kilometers; the city rail transit in the city built 40 bridges, built in line 3185 km. The next 5 years, the average annual increase of operating line length about 500 kilometers. <strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> It is expected to 2020, planning a total mileage will reach 8500 kilometers.</strong> Can be seen from the above data, China's urban rail transit line construction entered a period of rapid growth; at the same time, the last century built all line operators will enter the equipment renewal cycle.


The huge city rail transit construction and renovation of the market, is a rare opportunity for development of city rail traffic signal system China through the integration of business However, due to the current internal and external environment in the event of a series of changes, therefore, we are also facing enormous challenges. Only an accurate grasp of our external situation facing the efforts to adapt to the new situation, constantly optimize and adjust our resources and coping strategies, in order to grasp the development opportunities and achieve rapid development.



The 1 signal system bidding mode

The signal system of city track traffic project basically is designed, according to the single engineering system integration and three sections of construction and installation are tender, less part of the project will system integration and installation into a tender bid. The bidding mode for many years did not change significantly, in view of the characteristics of city rail transit owners, this bidding mode in the future there will not be a big change.


The three section, according to the relevant provisions of the state, the engineering design section and the other two sections are mutually exclusive, i.e. engineering design successful bid were no longer involved in the engineering construction bidding system integration or installation section.

The 2 signal system to speed up the process of self

Research and development of the CBTC signal system at home signal system manufacturers are actively carry out independent intellectual property rights, and increase R & D investment, other companies have opened the first domestic China performance, through the CBTC line of Beijing Metro Line 8 has been opened in December 21, 2015 all put into operation. With the autonomy of domestic CBTC system is gradually mature, the domestic subway construction earlier City owners have recognized the domestic system compared to the imported signal system in the engineering construction and operation maintenance has obvious advantages, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other new city subway has been more inclined to adopt domestic CBTC signal system, in addition Tianjin, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guiyang, Changsha, Urumqi city have begun using domestic CBTC signal system, with some of the city's first domestic line, application of domestic signal system significantly accelerated.

To accelerate the application of new technology of 3 signal system

Mature and domestic application of signal system, make the market competition rapidly from the original with or without the automatic CBTC system, become independent of the competition up more advanced CBTC system.


With a large area of commercial 4G communication technology, CBTC system based on WiFi technology CBTC system based on LTE technology will be replaced, Chinese City Rail Transportation Association led efforts to promote CBTC system based on LTE technology. Beijing, Chongqing, Urumqi, Qingdao, Wuhan city of new bidding projects require CBTC system based on LTE technology.


Fully automatic driverless system began to appear and application demonstration in Beijing subway line Yan Fang In August 2015, Beijing formally approved a new round of Beijing metro rail transit construction comprehensive automatic unmanned systems, means that CBTC signal system does not have the automatic unmanned function will not be able to enter the market in Beijing. It is expected that the demonstration effect of Beijing will gradually affect the country.


With traffic control automation technology as the core will be used widely, the country's first CBTC signal system using this technology has been launched and operated in Beijing Metro Line 6 The effect is good. Beijing subway line is expected to follow most will adopt this technology, other city owners are also in the application on this technology, some owners said very interested in brewing by.


Progress in research and application of signal interconnection system rapidly. With the domestic CBTC systems mature, to achieve interoperability of various manufacturers of signal system become possible, Chongqing metro, Beijing Metro owners are led by the signal of the manufacturers to promote standards and product development work, Chongqing Metro owners have begun to implement signal interconnection system engineering demonstration project, China City Rail Transportation Association in the application of this technology to promote.


The emergence of new technology and application, technical barriers will quickly form a competitive domestic signal system, the situation of domestic signal system suppliers both opportunities and challenges.

4 conventional construction mode of the increasingly fierce competition

According to the urban subway construction plan, <strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> the next 5 years, the average annual new operating line length of 500 kilometers, about 100 kilometers every year about the early construction of the line into the signal system renovation period</strong><strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> , based on projections, the annual national signal system market capacity of about 50-60 billion in size, and entered into a stable state.</strong> But this at present, the increasingly fierce market competition. The market share of the top three enterprises, their characteristics are basically focused on the city rail transit or in city rail transportation as the main business enterprises, and has its own technology and products (including technology transfer or authorization Technology), system development and market strong development ability. Integrated business chain is complete, can undertake system development and integration work independently, the market reaction speed fast, simple and efficient engineering organization.

5 changes in the mode of project construction

The party in the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee "on deepening reform of the overall number of major issues", put forward the urban construction management innovation, allow social capital through franchising and other ways to participate in urban infrastructure investment and operation of the reform measures, coupled with the current local financing platform relies on financing and land revenue model has been difficult situation, so and around the subway construction patterns are quietly changing<strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> , PPP mode gradually began to use</strong> . At present almost all city metro construction are beginning to consider the use of PPP mode, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen city.

The 6 signal gradually lower engineering cost

With the continuous improvement of signal system and self import signal system of the degree of localization becomes mature and the increasingly fierce market competition, the project cost signal system is constantly falling, The signal system of the average bid price has risen from 3 years ago to 10 million yuan per kilometer per kilometer 750-800 million yuan, the individual lines even as low as 6 million 500 thousand yuan per kilometer . Signal system prices continue to decline, put forward higher requirements on the cost control of enterprises.

A comprehensive analysis of trends in the external environment and the change of city track traffic engineering at present, we find the face of this trend does not adapt, to develop targeted coping strategies, and implementation of the system to improve our market competitiveness and gain more market share in the huge opportunities. The above analysis of changes in the external environment, combined with the current situation of city rail transportation business China communication, resources, adjust business strategy we should focus on the following aspects of optimization, to achieve the rapid development of urban rail traffic through the China.

1 stable engineering design and system integration business, strengthen their own strength respectively.

The bidding mode and current national regulations, project design and system integration business is charged in the same project. At present, China through these two operations are borne by the two different two level enterprises, comply with the relevant provisions of the state and market status, organizational structure, so that we can get the maximum benefits in the market so that the market demand and the relevant provisions of the state of no major changes and adjustment, the business sector should be stable structure and then, to expand the size and strength of their respective. Can not be affected by the shortage of resources constraints, affect our competitive business continue to expand market share.

2 to build the city rail transportation specialized R & D team

City rail traffic signal system including automatic train control (ATS), computer interlocking (CI), automatic train protection (ATP), automatic train operation (ATO), monitoring and maintenance of train ground communication subsystems, the subsystem and railway signal system with the same or similar part, but the difference is still very big. On the one hand, because there is no unified national mandatory standards for the field of urban rail, each city is not the same as the needs of the owners. Therefore, a set of signal system each enter a new city will need to be modified to adapt to the new requirements proposed by the users and new features. On the other hand, it is due to there is no unified national mandatory standards, resulting in the field of urban rail technology progress and application of new technology is much faster than in iron. The current urban rail signal level of technology than in iron for advanced generation, in addition to speed adaptation needs further verification, has reached or exceeded the level of CTCS-4 in iron planning such a. The trend and current situation, if by country iron R & D drive city rail technology progress, have become the industry follower, can not become a leader.


In addition, in the same team, when the two market share of the business has a significant difference and the overall resources to support two kinds of businesses, low market share of business resources tend to be another business to occupy, regardless of employees or managers, their attitude will decide the behavior oriented. In the enterprise, almost no one in the R & D Department of a company can achieve national railway and Urban Rail business can be balanced development, it is worth our careful analysis and summary.


Through the above analysis as well as the application trend of city rail of new technology, to ensure that we can with urban rail technical progress and become the leader, must create a sustained focus and engaged in research and development of urban rail transit, and R & D team and organization in iron relatively independent, can be in the near future to our city rail business the country is like iron, truly become the industry leader.


3 further optimize the business chain integration

City Rail integrated business chain generally include bid and contract negotiation, system software and hardware design / adaptability design, product development, modify the configuration of software and hardware configuration, system debugging and testing, indoor single site installation supervision, commissioning, on-site testing single site static debugging and testing, debugging and testing, site acceptance test car etc.. The company integrated urban rail business is shared by urban rail companies and research and Design Institute, the integration of the business chain integration from improving the work efficiency and reduce the communication cost and personnel reuse efficiency point of view there is room for further optimization. The ideal model should be: prototype development and test validation and engineering research unit is responsible for the system and product implementation of hardware and software in product development and modification of adaptability test, integrated unit is responsible for all the work.


According to the optimization principle, development allows the development unit to focus on core systems and products, integrated units focus on the implementation of the project, and do not cross involved, not only can improve the comprehensive utilization efficiency of personnel within their respective areas, but also greatly reduce the coordination, communication and interface link. R & D units can make more effort in the development of new products, leading the development of the industry; integrated units can also enhance the comprehensive ability to respond flexibly to the fierce market competition.

4 strengthening business sector, optimize the operation mode, to adapt to PPP

PPP mode of operation of the project include marketing, bidding, financing, design, construction, operation and maintenance and other aspects of the transfer, the scope of the project often includes civil engineering and mechanical and electrical equipment. From the project tracking stage requires contractor to the owners to provide technical solutions, project planning, risk control, operation scheme etc. advice, and will last a long time. In the bidding stage, the construction side has accurate need ability to control the project scheme, project construction, investment scale, operation planning and other aspects of risk, after the establishment of the item company also need to have a stable team to provide engineering support for project management and risk control. This requires that we have integrated traffic design capability of the team, but we still do not have this condition, To the large-scale PPP project contract, must increase efforts to expand the relevant professional design personnel, as soon as possible the formation of this ability.


In the tracking stage of the PPP project, we also need to provide advice for the owners of the operation, in the project bidding stage needs more preparation operation scheme, cost estimation, risk assessment, so to keep track of and contract PPP project, we There should also be sustainable and stable cooperation, the operation of the company as a partner to support our project. For, therefore, should be looking to establish a suitable market can jointly deal with the subway operating company strategic cooperation as soon as possible.


In addition, because the PPP project involves the company in many enterprises, tracking and finally get this kind of project for each enterprise are difficult to separate, so that company to increase focus on business efforts on such projects, coordinated by foreign business corporation.

5 R & D, manufacturing and integration concept, reduce the cost of the system

With the aggravation of the market competition, price competition will be more intense, so we must consider the system reduce the cost of the implementation of our products and projects, in order to cope with the market competition. To reduce costs, should be from R & D, manufacturing, integrated aspects, taking the system can effectively reduce the overall cost.


Considering from the perspective of research, First of all, the general should adopt large-scale commercial devices on the market, such as universal server, industrial computer, industrial PLC, reduce the use of special equipment. Only the use of general equipment scale, can greatly reduce the cost of hardware. Must use special equipment, should minimize the species within the system as far as possible the use of special equipment, general and special equipment to increase the volume, reduce costs. Secondly, we should design performance and functional requirements, the hardware design, avoid the performance far exceeds the functional requirements of hardware, raise the cost of intangible.


From the manufacturing point of view, in addition to improve the rate of finished products, improve production automation to reduce labor costs to improve the manufacturing process, but also improve the same manufacturing batch production, reduce production to achieve the scale effect of dispersion.


From the point of integration should improve and develop integrated automation tools, such as automated data configuration tools, automated testing tools and environment, debugging tools to improve the integrated efficiency and dependence on staff skills. In addition, should improve the standardization, standardization of service outsourcing and low-end to reduce project cost.


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