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System integration and system integration


System integration and system integration
(from Baidu Library)

abstract : System integration should be divided into 4 levels: network connection, system architecture, application program and integrated. System integration is the highest level of integration, it emphasizes the integration of knowledge, ability and the content of the.After a brief discussion of the basic integrated classification method, introduces the concept of system integration and the development trend in the future.  

One System integration and system integration

System integration should firstly start system.

What is the system? The system is with a specific function for a specific target, and each other with a whole composed of many elements of the organic link. So, the integrated system itself is a lot of elements.

Integrated (integration), it was also translated as "integration", is to realize the function of the system and the process of re creation. Only the components in the system are connected organically, to complete a specific function of the system, to achieve the target of the system, can be called "integration". Therefore, the concept of integration itself is a system. However, system integration is not a simple combination of components. For example, the computer system is composed of dozens of hundreds of parts together. These elements can be combined into a computer system, although it can be called integration, but the integration is not the original system. System integration is not accumulated, some systems together, form an overall effect, to reach the goal of unity, not a system integration.

The so-called <strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> system integration</strong> (integrated, system) is the application target and proposed a comprehensive solution (total solution) of the implementation process. That is to say, system integration and application is closely related. Generally speaking, the integration of the information system, refers to the construction process based on computer network, database, data processing and other large information systems to achieve a goal of application.

The so-called "<strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> integrated</strong> " (meta synthesis), and is also a higher level concept, it refers to a greater extent in the system, in the content level of integration. It needs not only the support of system integration, and more comprehensive information about the content of. The system integration concept is not clear, causing some confusion on the understanding and practice. Some people think that the system integration is networking, is to put some product accumulation, regardless of what is the system to achieve the goal. The "net net", the computer as a typewriter phenomenon, we have It is often seen.. Especially when the system is complicated, we may see a variety of equipment has a very strong ability, and forget that what is the equipment. That in order to accelerate the process of informatization "and rushing headlong into the local network, campus network, computing center, is the most typical representative. System integration concept, is from the angle of the system to the target system highlighted out.

System integration can be divided into 4 levels: The network connection based connection layer, system layer, application system based on the application layer, and content based integrated layer. In the network connection system layer integration is through the integration of computers and related equipment, establishing communication connection, such as the use of network adapter, cable, HUB, routers, switches, the various parts of the system are interconnected, so that information can be smoothly in the system. Integrated system layer, is established between each subsystem in the system of the system of composition. For example, the client / server system, distribution system, peer interaction centralized computing service system, are examples of these systems. Integrated system application layer, is established through the analysis of the application of application support environment, also provides a solution for the application. For example, set up the application of database and application system. The integrated system of the above three levels, is the most common way of our system integration, sometimes only the bottom layer of the three layer integration and integration, and sometimes have to do. This system is the foundation for the integration of Open Systems Interconnection theory and standardization. Early ISO/OSI and TCP/IP 90s the popularity of Client/Server system, ODBC and so on, are the typical representative in the field of system integration.

With the improvement of information system integration, we also continuously improve the level and expectations. We hope that the system can not only in the first three levels set as an organic whole, and we hope that the system can solve the problem especially in complex problems to provide more powerful support to help us. We are not satisfied with the system can provide sufficient information for us, we hope the system can help us to find the information we need, such as the Pan Ocean information analysis, to help our decision. This is our extension extends from physical to our ability to change and knowledge integration, at this level, is integrated.

  Two What is the system integration

For a deep understanding of the information society and the system method in the development and problems in the practice, the famous scientist Tsien Hsueshen proposed "qualitative quantitative integration (meta synthesis)", namely "expert groups, data and information, and computer simulation machine combination, the various disciplines and people the knowledge and experience together, to play the overall advantages". Then the specific idea of establishing support for the combination of qualitative and quantitative hwmse, is a good solution to solve the research and research methods of complex system theory. This is actually the modern computer information technology, multimedia technology, artificial intelligence technology, modern simulation technology, virtual reality technology is introduced into the field of system engineering, using traditional methods to solve many difficult problems. The knowledge of organic quantitative model and is mainly composed of a master of qualitative combine to achieve transformation between qualitative knowledge and quantitative data. The experts involved in the simulation process to solve those bad computer non structured problem solving, namely in the loop, play the "man-machine integration, each in his element". Here, people or organizations to use the hall for workshop of discussion and debate and confrontation, from the understanding, judgment, problem identification, problem solving system to demonstrate the evaluation and decision implementation and feedback, can obtain knowledge, understanding and theory. This is a scientific experiment, the final practice for the service. The system provides the simulation and virtual reality show ", is also a kind of experiment personally on the scene", but it provides is the future of "practice". This kind of analysis, judgment and decision-making and the "practice" closed up method, greatly expanded the scope of system methodology, good conflict system methodology, can solve many difficult problems originally. In the development of knowledge economy in the future, integrated technology will increasingly show its strong vitality, it will become one of the most important technology pillar of the society of knowledge economy.

Industrial production training division, specializing in the production of information fusion, this is a very noticeable change in the industrial society to information society in the process of integration and provides the corresponding means to adapt to this change. The computer is used to print the report on the computer and the computer will be wasted, simply connected to the network, but also the integration of the most simple behavior. The integrated goal is not connected, but more important is the integration of information, which is called the integrated principle. The ideal state of the information economy is full of information fusion through the computer network, reduce unnecessary detour, high degree of integration of production and consumption. Integrated aim is to collect all kinds of information here, then classification and extraction and fusion, obtain the useful information, learn knowledge, ultimately for the application service.

Knowledge and information are completely different in nature, provides the means for the use of information technology information system, and the integration and use of knowledge management to open convenient ways. The information system technology to establish effective information transmission, processing, distribution and management means, although so far in the world is neither balanced nor perfect, but it does improve the use of information. There is only a collection of knowledge on the user and does not exist in information, knowledge management is necessary to carry on the management of information, but also to people management. Simply say, "knowledge management" is such a process: it integrates the knowledge and skills of organization or enterprises to acquire knowledge and skills, whether they are present in the paper, or in the database, or in the human mind, and the knowledge and skills that will help the organization and distribution enterprises to achieve the maximum output. The goal of knowledge management is to make knowledge will be the most appropriate, in the most appropriate time, transfer to the most appropriate person, so they make the best decisions. Integrated to a great extent is to realize this process in technology.

Only human beings can play a key role in the process of knowledge innovation, and integrated technology to provide human harmony for knowledge innovation environment. We have to replace people with machines to understand is not a wise idea, the division of labor is the best form of human-computer information system, and the innovation must be done by humans. Knowledge innovation can only take place in the process of social interaction among people. The computer no matter how much capacity, but it always is a tool for human beings. Integrated with the general integration of the difference is the most direct, completely as part of the system, in accordance with the "man-machine division" principle plays an important role in the system. Like other tools, integrated technology to provide a good environment in the effective combination of one machine for human creativity.

Three The development trend of integrated technology

In order to achieve the information rapid response, auxiliary knowledge management, integrated technology has become a hot spot, a lot of potential for future development are contained in this field. The integration is not what the new concept has long been trying to establish this kind of environment, but like Utopia as lost. This is because the conditions are not met."Delivery" is "conceived in October", the environment is not suitable for. Although the network, but the scope is too small, there is not much information; although the man-machine interface, but the technology has not yet reached the practical; although the application of artificial intelligence, but can only become a decoration, not much value. But today, no matter from which, we have come to the new era. Integrated once again become a hot topic, has become an indispensable part of our design in the future.

First, we in the information system design, must focus on the Internet based network of "information environment" on account of. Now there are people in the discussion of this problem: Internet appeared in 70s, 80s has been well known, but why in 90s suddenly shine, develop quickly? Here, in addition to many years in network technology accumulation, technology gradually matures, the generation of WWW technology and detonated played a key role. As a branch of multimedia technology, hypertext technology finds its application, the most significant in the network, it is a lot of people do not think. We turn to study the role of WWW now, it is easy to find that WWW do the most important point is that the complicated network operation, through the Hypertext Technology and simple protocol, transform into a simple "click". The direct result is that the user does not need to what network knowledge and agreement, they can easily access any place computer resources. The expansion of user groups leads to the growth of resources, which in turn promotes the user group to expand again, so the cycle, has led to the rapid development of Internet network. In principle, these techniques are not what the new invention is not complicated, but by cleverly combined (actually integrated), triggered a revolution. This change brings is not only the change of technology, more important is it caused the rapid progress of information society and information industry, etc.. We can see from here, relying on Internet's "information environment" to establish all kinds of information application, will become the future development trend of the most important; realize the comprehensive integration of various multimedia technology in this environment, is a breakthrough in the future development of technology.

Second, to establish the relationship between the various elements of the system. The different elements of the system need to establish a unified connection method, hypermedia is a set of methods available for each element connected to the system. The text of the super early stage (hypertext) is a text character of "super chain", later hypermedia (hypermedia) the relationship between all kinds of multimedia data also established. The most famous is WWW, it uses URL uniform resource locator Internet network (uniform resource locator), HTML language and HTTP protocol, a network wide variety of media data links, users can not understand the basis of any professional technology, you can get to the data and information. This is the most important reason for the success of WWW. The success of the WWW gives us a revelation: hypertext is a hyper connected text, hypermedia is a connection between the various elements of multimedia, then the application in the information environment to involve far more than some of the content is this. As a complex application in the future (especially the application of virtualization, collaboration and visualization), may be involved in all kinds of media data, various resources center, in collaboration with researchers and experts, the processing unit, to participate in the task and needs of a variety of problems and other factors, in between various elements still exist more complex relationships. To establish the relationship between these elements, but also rely on the hypermedia technology, namely the future of open hypermedia technology. Will expand the scope of resources, including the establishment of super media data, information, knowledge, model, expert, processing and other elements of the system between the integration of "super chain", through mutual influence of the so-called "intelligent agent" can work independently and learning in the information media collaboration space, the formation of multimedia integrated environment the formation of super, super media based on Middleware (hyper-midware), is one of the main problems in integrated environment to study.

Third, must be in the "content" to realize a comprehensive integration technology, and the technology will be the focus of future competition. To achieve comprehensive integration rather than simple integration, it must be able to have sufficient information on control means, including knowledge from multimedia information source in mining. System integration is bound to involve the comprehensive content, but for multimedia, now we still lack complete practical understanding or recognition ability of media. For example, image understanding, speech recognition, video and so on to understand the plot. But for many years in these aspects of progress is obvious to people. Content based retrieval technology and traditional image understanding or speech recognition in different media, it is the first thing to do is to do not have any domain knowledge to identify and classify a large number of media, retrieve the content based on the physical characteristics of the lower layer, and to understand the true meaning of the work to the users themselves to do. Although the low level feature recognition without domain knowledge can significantly reduce the target range, but also need to achieve comprehensive features and semantic content in high level level. The need for accurate recognition of domain knowledge, the more high level more artificial intelligence technology, but after all the practical there is a considerable distance. It can be said, who is the first to master the practical ability of processing content, who will occupy initiative in future competition. Microsoft, IBM and other large investments on related technologies such as speech recognition, image understanding, image processing, multimedia technology and so on, also illustrates this point.

Fourth, integrated environment must be able to support cooperative work environment, must support the involvement of.Complex problems require people to resolve, collaboration itself is a problem. In the information environment, computer supported cooperative work to gradually develop a multimedia integrated environment for collaborative work support, which developed from CSCW M2SCW (Multimedia metasynthesis supported cooperative work). This support will develop to a large extent on technology, and multimedia conferencing virtual reality technology, information fusion technology, cooperative sensing technology and other new technology related. For example, the phone is clearly not as good as collaboration via videoconferencing to collaborate more intuitive and convenient, and in the future can be distributed into the collaboration participants in a virtual space, operate on the virtual object, the more different. To achieve an intelligent collaborative work environment across global, virtual and real intersection, multi objects and multi human environment, is a comprehensive integration technology to achieve the goal of the future.

Fifth, integrated environment must be able to support a wide range of services. For one of the twenty-first Century forecast is a variety of information services will be developed rapidly, largely as tap water, electricity, gas into thousands of households, users can get more information through the Internet network service. Users can get all kinds of media, materials, data, information, access to any person, such as doctors, experts or professors, can get all the service with "information environment" in the. However, these services available in addition to the integration in the user terminal, largely based on a combination of user needs, and not fall into the heap to the user, so that users face a vast expanse of water like but a loss of information. If no restrictions, even "information rubbish" pile to the user, and finally it will lead the user to refuse. So, for a variety of information services from different service to the need for intelligent search, retrieval, filtering and selection methods, also need to be able to the information combination, induction and integration, the formation of new information and new. Multimedia integration in order to achieve this goal, comprehensive service integration is the key.

Sixth, in the integrated environment to achieve the basic goal of knowledge management is a comprehensive integration technology. The basic functions of knowledge management is the externalization, internalization, mediation and cognitive.Outside is a collection of knowledge to the external storage form, and provide the corresponding standard, according to the similarity of each knowledge source to achieve classification and recognition. On this basis, using clustering method to identify hidden between the knowledge structure of the knowledge base in the relationship or contact. Integrated environment can not only provide a powerful search engine for users, but also classified management. Internalization is to try to find out the knowledge structure related to the specific needs of. In the process of internalization, extract knowledge from the external repository, and re layout or performance in the most suitable way, through the filter to find related things and knowledge seekers. The intelligent processing will gradually achieve this point. The intermediation process emphasizes the importance of clear knowledge transfer fixed, will require knowledge of the objects that match the best source of knowledge. By tracing the individual experience and interest, the intermediary can connect to study a subject and related experienced experts etc.. This is the so-called personalized design, integrated environment should be able to gradually identify the needs of each user, and then take the initiative to provide services. Is the first three cognitive function of the use of knowledge is the ultimate goal of knowledge management. Few existing technology can realize automation of the cognitive process, usually using expert system technology, artificial intelligence technology, data warehouse technology and other comprehensive support and decision-making. The development of these technologies, plays a key role in the future development.

Four Conclusion

Integration, system integration, system integration, system integration concept of different levels of expression. It briefly introduces the system integration and comprehensive integration of the basic concepts, discusses the content and development trend of system integration. Although there is no integrated measurement and control of direct discussion, but the system integration theory is applied to the field of measurement and control is also very suitable. In fact, system integration is more like a methodology, it allows us to stand on a higher and more comprehensive position on the issue.


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